Okky Gustaman. NPM: 021100428. Applying Of Qualified Control In
Effort Depress Damage Goods By Using Is Techniques of Schema of
Control At PT. HADINATA BROTHERS & CO. Especial Counselor,
Mr. H. Poernomo, MA., SE. And Co Counselor Ms. Tutus Rully SE.
Emulation situation these days oblige all producer to increase
product value yielded to on the market to consumer, among others through
quality of addressed product to fulfill expectation and desire of consumer.
Especially at industry of furniture care with quality of its product.
Because quality of a furniture very having an effect on to satisfaction of
consumer. See the mentioned hence to depress deviations which is
happening at production process so that yielded product company have top
quality, hence applied by qualified control technical schema of control.
Intention of this research is to know qualified control by using is
techniques schema of control in effort depress the amormt of damage of
Research type in writing of this skripsi is descriptive of explorative, its
research method is case study, and is technique of research is comparability
statistic, while unit of analysis that is group. Variable of operational consist
of, variable, scale and indicator that is, qualified control with damage goods
indicator / handicap and its scale of ratio while secondly damage goods /
handicap with indicator of is amoimt of goods with ratio scale of data
collecting by conducting research of bibliography and research of field by
interview and direct perception.
For the applying of qualified control, technical schema of control can
depress the level of defect or damage goods, writer use method analyzed by
using statistical methods " Statistical Quality Control" (SQC) with schema
conduct (Control Chart)
After using analysis method (SQC) hence the writer know, from
withdrawal of taken sample equal to 60 cupboard unit known that boundary
of (UCL) equal to 0,059, and boimdary under (LCL) equal to - 0,031. From
the result mount damage that happened do not digress from border line of
(UCL), this means controlling of qualified control have goodness, although
still need the existence of repair which must be done to natural product of
Pursuant to result of from research, the writer concluded that
applying of qualified control technical schema of control has walked better.
TTie Writer suggestion company shall regularly give guidance to employees
and check to repeat situation of machine before production process started
and maintain qualified control technical schema of control.